Friday, May 6, 2011

Legallize Marijuana

Yes, I think marijuana should be legalized in every country. Marijuana is not an addictive drug. Many people buy it just because it’s illegal. If they legalized marijuana there would be less poverty because many of the people who use it only use money for dope. There would also be less corruption and criminals that would decrease the death rate in every country. The United States wouldn’t waste those millions of dollars burning the marijuana farms and getting all the dealers. Also it would be cheaper and people who use it for medical purposes would use it freely and it wouldn’t be so expensive por them. The world wouldn’t be so dangerous now days because normally now all the crimes are done because of drugs. People would be much safer. It would be safer because almost all the thieves are involved in drugs and use them and because they waste it all on it they become criminals and start stealing from people and some even killing them. They should also legalize it because the drug is not so harmful like other drugs such as the cigarette; if the marijuana is illegal the cigarette and the alcohol should be too. Many people say it shouldn’t be legalized because they think that it’s the most harmful drug but the effects aren’t so damaging, it won’t give you lung cancer and it won’t give u any type of breathing problem. The effects are minimum and short in time. People all over the world now are protesting for the legalization of the drug. Many people who are protesting are people who need it for medical use and they can’t afford it because it illegal otherwise if it wasn’t it would be much cheaper.
the marijuana should be legalized just for the simple reason of a more peaceful place without much deaths and crimes.

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